We have detected that thefashionshoe.com is operating an online store scam. The company name provided by the website is fake, and the wording used on different pages has been copied from numerous similar fraudulent websites. No social media presence is found, indicating that the website is most likely owned and operated from overseas. Additionally, none of the pages on the website provide a valid physical address for the business. The domain name is relatively new, having been registered for only 118 days at the time of this report. Furthermore, the website does not have any reviews that can be verified, and buyers from similar websites have shared their disappointment in receiving either nothing, knockoff products, or packages filled with junk. Lastly, the website does not provide any phone numbers for customer support.

❌ Fake Business Name
❌ No Social Media
❌ No Address Found
❌ No Reviews
❌ No Phone Numbers
❌ Copycat Content
❌ Foreign Ownership
❌ Recently Registered
❌ Fake Products

Date of registration: August 29, 2023
Expiration: August 29, 2024
First detected: December 25, 2023
Hosted by: Cloudflare.com
Ownership: Unknown