We have detected that kindcurations.shop is operating an online store scam. There are strong indications that the website is operated from China. Reports suggest that customers ordering from these websites have received nothing, knockoff products, or packages filled with junk. None of the pages on the website provided a valid physical address for the business. We weren’t able to verify or find any legitimate reviews about this project. We have found no social media accounts linked to this project. It has only been 90 days since the domain name was registered. There are no phone numbers for customer support found on the website. The claimed company name on the website does not exist. The wording used on different pages has been copied from numerous similar fraudulent websites.

❌ Foreign Ownership
❌ No Address Found
❌ No Social Media
❌ No Phone Numbers
❌ Copycat Content
❌ Fake Products
❌ No Reviews
❌ Recently Registered
❌ Fake Business Name

Date of registration: October 04, 2023
Expiration: October 04, 2024
First detected: January 02, 2024
Registrar: Web Commerce Communication Ltd. www.webnic.cc/
Hosted by: Cloudflare.com
Ownership: Unknown